Sunday, December 16, 2007

Christmas Concert 2007-Marian Academy

The Christmas concert was presented by the students on two different days. The Nursery, Preps and Primary students on the 12th of December and the secondary students on the 13th.The parents and guardians, staff and students were warmly welcomed by Sr.Marie Harper. The Concerts were started by an inspiring prayer. All the items presented by the students were good.
The Concert ended with the vote of thanks by the President of the PTA and the Principals Christmas message of Love, Joy and Peace. The Principal thanked and expressed the appreciation for the generous support of parents in their donation of Christmas gifts for various institutions and individual families.
We had the Concluding mass for the term on the 13th after the secondary concert. During the mass all the staff and students thanked God for the wonderful term they had. After the Mass the Crib competition results were announced. Our Lady of Lourdes won the first place and Our Lady of Fatima won the second place.
The Staff and Students showed active support and co-operation in making the concert a success. Hopefully the message of Peace, Joy and Love which the Christ Child Brings will be experienced by everyone.
By Sr.Vijaya Soreng

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Earth tremor strikes Marian Academy!!!!!

At approximately 3:00 pm on the 29th of November, 2007, an earth tremor shook the walls of Marian Academy. No one expected the peaceful afternoon to be interrupted by the unexpected tremor as everyone was busy with examinations that were being conducted in some classrooms.There were panicked cries and screams as students rushed down the stairs and onto the tarmac, this was the emergency plan when the school’s alarm was sounded. This happened seconds after the tremor.
As the students arranged themselves on the tarmac, most started to dramatically share their experiences with each other, some questioned each other of what had happened and others stooped on the ground, probably recovering from what had transpired.
The teachers and prefects are to be commended on the way they helped to arrange the students in their lines. The students were then asked to sit by the principal, Sister Marie.She commended the students on their prompt, immediate response to the alarm. Sister Marie also commended the Primary students, who, at the time of the tremor, were seated in the hall, but even when they were asked to evacuate the hall, during the tremor, by parents and guardians, they remained seated together, which was the best thing to do at the time, according to Sister Marie.
After a few added remarks made by the principal, she dismissed the assembly of students by saying the evening prayer. Some students returned to their classrooms to finish off their examinations while others left for home, still a bit shaken up from what had occurred that afternoon.
By Geetanjali Deonarine