Wednesday, September 10, 2008

THE RETURN OF MARIAN - My experience of the First week at School.

After almost two months spent in utter laziness (except for those unfortunate third and fourth formers who were afflicted by school in July), the seven hundred or so of us Marianners somewhat grudgingly wended our way back to school, early AND late on September 1. Amidst some confusion amongst (at the VERY least) two students I happen to know-accompanied by random strolling in to classes that no longer belonged to students in question, continuously writing 4F instead of 5F, 3S instead of 4S etc., vituperating over the injustice of having to use upstairs washrooms ONLY and desperately trying to convince teachers that they WOULD mind having to mark home-work in the first week back in school-school re-opened. Marian was BACK, and it was as if we?d never left.
Sr Marie welcomed us back with good wishes and emphasised those good wishes with a few cross words (which we accept because familiarity breeds comfort, and since we?re quite familiar with her words, Marian wouldn?t be MARIAN if it weren?t for Sister?s alternatingly loving and Gentle reminders!!!!).
On the third day (no allusion really deliberately intended there), the prefects were officially arrayed for the general school body to see. We saw them.
After a week of feeling summer had never really happened, and of constant reminders that Marian would be celebrating her 10th birthday, (N.B. Marian Academy will be ten years old on the 14th September!) the first week was ushered out with our traditional Start-of-term Mass. Fr Simon Bishop, a Tanzanian priest of Irish and Scottish descent, who spoke with an English accent, helped us celebrate.
Thus the first week has been overcome and we shall prevail- only about three or so months to go!
Sarina Kawall

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