Monday, October 20, 2008


A simple ceremony was conducted in the school’s auditorium. The theme for this ceremony was “Climate Change, its effect on Poverty”. This ceremony collaboratively observed:
(a) World Disaster Reduction Day, which was observed on the 10th October, 2008
(b) World Food Day, which was observed on the 16th October, 2008
(c ) International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, which was observed the 17th October, 2008.
The theme for World Disaster Reduction Day was “Hospitals Safe from Disasters”. This theme promoted the notion that when health facilities are damaged, health services are compromised.
The theme for World Food Day was ‘World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy’. World Food Day aims to heighten public awareness of the plight of the World’s hungry and malnourished so that action will be taken to encourage people worldwide to take action against hunger.
The theme for the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is ‘working together out of Poverty’. This theme seeks to highlight the need for a truly global anti-poverty alliance, one in which both developed and developing countries participate actively.
Climate Change has been increasing the severity and frequency of weather-related natural hazards such as storms, high rainfalls, floods and droughts. Further, the face of disaster risk has threatened global food security. This has contributed to global poverty.
Additionally, it should be noted that the following factors have also contributed to the threat to food security:
a. the boom in biofuels, especially ethanol made from corn, is another primary cause. The International Monetary Fund estimates that last year biofuels accounted for almost half the increase in demand for major food crops
b. the rising cause of fossil fuels, which has driven up the cost of fertilizers and other inputs farmers need, as well as transport and storage costs
c. increase demand for meat and diary products. These goods require vast amounts of grains to produce
d. lack of government investment in small-scale food production over the past decades has made it harder for farmers to take advantage of higher prices and produce more food .

The highlight of this ceremony was a donation of food and clothes to a representative of the Ruimveldt Children’s Aid Center.
Other highlights of this ceremony included:
a.a Poem entitled, “Food Shortage” by Sarina Kawall
b.the feature address by Mr. Gabriell Lall
c.a minute of silence for all of those persons who have succumb to hunger
d.a song entitled, “Heel the World” by Leticha Greeves and Jana Edghill
In closing, students were reminded to participate in the process of growing more food.

By Mr. Pompey

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Prize Giving

On October 3rd, 2008, Marian Academy held its 9th annual Prize Giving Ceremony for the Secondary Department. Much enthusiasm was expressed by teachers, students as well as parents in sharing the achievements of the students in the 2007-2008 academic year.

When all invitees were seated, Mrs. Elona William-Frank extended a warm welcome to everyone. At that moment, Sr. Marie Harper O.S.U reported on the activity-filled year. Special mention was made of those students who represented the school in outside activities, including the E.P.A walk, which Marian Academy won. Sr. Marie also mentioned the athletically inclined students who had great achievements in their various sporting activities. Achievements of the school's various clubs, new teachers as well as inter-house activities were also reported. In mention of the CSEC results, Sr. Marie reported that among the 381 entries, 343 passed with Grades 1-3, 33 passed with grade 4 and 5 with grade 5. According to statistics, that gave a 90% pass of students who gained grades 1-3. She also made special mention of mathematics which gained 11 distinctions in the CSEC 2007-2008 results, revealing a total of 95% passes for Math. Well done Marian Academy!

The guest speaker for this prestigious event was Mr. Paul Braam, former president of the P.T.A. He gave a very lively yet well structured and interesting message.

Many talented acts were performed by the secondary students, including the school choir, the recorder group, a dramatic presentation from the play "Merchant of Venice" performed by Ms. Sarina Kawll and Mr. David Lowe and the very talented Ms. Hilary Bose played a piano recital titled "Le Coucou." The highlight, however, was a beautifully choreographed dance by the secondary dance group. Many proud Marian Academy Students received certificates for academic excellence and good conduct. Krysta Yan of Form 3F dominated the school by receiving the most individual subject prizes followed by Sarinna Kawall and Michelle Ford of Form 4F. The house who won the Academic trophy was Our Lady of Fatima and the champion house was our Lady of Lourdes. The champion of champions for 2007-2008 was Oliver Kear-Downes from our Lady of Lourdes. Co-curricular activities was given to the Environmental Club. Jonathon Beaton was awarded the willingness to serve award and Ms. Raeanna Clarke was awarded the 'outstanding school spirit' award, the highest award of Marian Academy. After all the prizes were distributed, the students all stood and proudly sang their school song.It is expected that the 2008-2009 academic will produce more successful students.

By Jana Edghill

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sports Day

Sports Day was held on September 25th, 2008. The event was held at the Everest Cricket Club. The day commenced with a march pass with the houses Coromoto, Fatima, Guadeloupe and Lourdes in pink, blue, green and white respectively. The fifth form pupils were selling snacks, ice cream, drinks and food in order to raise money for graduation and prom. There was music and commentary provided by Mr. Paul Persaud. The highlights of the day were the past male and female races, mother and father races and male and female teacher races. At the end of the day the winning house was announced: Lourdes, followed by Fatima in second and Guadeloupe and Coromoto in third and fourth respectively. The winner of the march pass was Our Lady of Fatima. The champion athletes were little Miss Georgiana Vyphuis and Nicholas Braithwaite. It was a good day and everyone enjoyed it.
By Andrew Peroune

International Peace Day

International Day of Peace serves as an opportunity for us to celebrate victories for peace that have been won throughout the year, and to foster a commitment for a more peaceful, just and sustainable world for the next year. Our Global village should act as a living instrument in the service of peace.

International Day of Peace was established by a United Nations resolution in 1981 to coincide with the opening of the General Assembly. The first Peace Day was celebrated in September 1982. In 2002 the General Assembly officially declared September 21 as the permanent date for the International Day of Peace.

The resolution: "Declares that the International Day of Peace shall henceforth be observed as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence. This day is devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and people through the manifestation of living-saving activities.

A ceremony held on the lawns and basket-ball court of Marian Academy Incorporated was used as a living instrument in the service of peace to all people. The speakers at this ceremony were Bishop Francis Alleyne, Father Simon Bishop and Mrs. Sonia Gumbs of the Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.). Other attendees at this ceremony were representatives from the school’s Board of Governors, Executive Members of the out-going and present Parent-Teachers Association Body and the Ursuline Convent. Additionally, Sister Ferreira, Sister Mendes, Sister Ward, Sister Mercedes, Sister Berkley and several parents participated in this capacity building initiative to chronicle a pneumia of peace.
Marian Academy’s life saving activity was a tree-planting activity. Trees are seen as a symbol for environmental protection and international co-operation in the fields of education, cultural diversity, tolerance and peace. Peace Pinwheels were inserted around the tree. The Peace Pinwheels were used as a symbol to inspire our communities to imagine whirled peace.
There were other semblances of peace that were incorporated into our tree-planting programme. These semblances were intended to provide opportunities to inspire and empower you to observe and celebrate victories for peace and for you to rededicate your commitment to work for a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. These semblances were as follows:
(a) the reciting of a Peace Poem entitled, “Path of Peace” by Sarina Kawall
(b) a minute of silence in observance of World Peace followed by the Peace Bell Ringing
(c) the insertion of Posters of Peace around an effigy of the “Blessed Lady of Lourdes”
(d) a dance entitled, “Love and Unity” by members of the Environmental Club
(e) the liberation of swallows, as a sign of Peace, by some members of the Prefect Body
Marian Academy has always been an active steward for peace by incorporating peace education into its programme. The Marian ‘family’ was the first community in Guyana to join the Global Peace Pole Project in honour of the World Peace Organisation that was founded in Japan after World War 11. In Fact, Guyana was the 181st country to become involved in this global initiative.

By Andre Pompey

Marian’s Tenth Anniversary Mass- A Knowledge of Miracle

This was a school that very, very nearly was not… Very, very nearly was not… To those who know the story, and the strange coincidences in history that went into its making for the last 161 years, to walk into that 14 September 2008 Mass which celebrated a decade of actual real existence, was to walk in with a sense of awe, an amazed wonder at miracle. It was proof that humans can be miracle-makers for others.
The cathedral was packed; good-tempered; cheerful; congratulatory.I whispered to another mother, whose child had also been there from the beginning in 1998: “Can you believe this!” She replied she remembered thinking as she walked in on the very first day, “Can we do this- what if we fail…”
But this was a school desired and gifted by a patient God, Himself a Father, and by the Mother of His Son.
I thought of that little boat, coincidentally - coincidentally?- named the Glenmuire (Glen of Mary), with six Ursuline nuns and two young postulants, whose aim was the education of young girls, which still set sail for British Guiana in 1847 from Ireland. Their involvement in education lasted until 1976, and then there was a twenty-two year break. But it were as if that little boat doggedly weathered out the storm- and then stubbornly continued sailing with its mission, right down the ages to dock at another glen, the Marian Academy.
Long dead, those eight women, sometimes near starvation and with cardboard and paper slippers to cover their feet, could not have guessed that 161 years later, a mother would still have been thinking of them and praying for them with gratitude, in a cathedral hung with banners and flowers, as three young girls from a school a mere ten years old sang the Ave Maria.
By Roxana Kawall