Saturday, October 18, 2008

Prize Giving

On October 3rd, 2008, Marian Academy held its 9th annual Prize Giving Ceremony for the Secondary Department. Much enthusiasm was expressed by teachers, students as well as parents in sharing the achievements of the students in the 2007-2008 academic year.

When all invitees were seated, Mrs. Elona William-Frank extended a warm welcome to everyone. At that moment, Sr. Marie Harper O.S.U reported on the activity-filled year. Special mention was made of those students who represented the school in outside activities, including the E.P.A walk, which Marian Academy won. Sr. Marie also mentioned the athletically inclined students who had great achievements in their various sporting activities. Achievements of the school's various clubs, new teachers as well as inter-house activities were also reported. In mention of the CSEC results, Sr. Marie reported that among the 381 entries, 343 passed with Grades 1-3, 33 passed with grade 4 and 5 with grade 5. According to statistics, that gave a 90% pass of students who gained grades 1-3. She also made special mention of mathematics which gained 11 distinctions in the CSEC 2007-2008 results, revealing a total of 95% passes for Math. Well done Marian Academy!

The guest speaker for this prestigious event was Mr. Paul Braam, former president of the P.T.A. He gave a very lively yet well structured and interesting message.

Many talented acts were performed by the secondary students, including the school choir, the recorder group, a dramatic presentation from the play "Merchant of Venice" performed by Ms. Sarina Kawll and Mr. David Lowe and the very talented Ms. Hilary Bose played a piano recital titled "Le Coucou." The highlight, however, was a beautifully choreographed dance by the secondary dance group. Many proud Marian Academy Students received certificates for academic excellence and good conduct. Krysta Yan of Form 3F dominated the school by receiving the most individual subject prizes followed by Sarinna Kawall and Michelle Ford of Form 4F. The house who won the Academic trophy was Our Lady of Fatima and the champion house was our Lady of Lourdes. The champion of champions for 2007-2008 was Oliver Kear-Downes from our Lady of Lourdes. Co-curricular activities was given to the Environmental Club. Jonathon Beaton was awarded the willingness to serve award and Ms. Raeanna Clarke was awarded the 'outstanding school spirit' award, the highest award of Marian Academy. After all the prizes were distributed, the students all stood and proudly sang their school song.It is expected that the 2008-2009 academic will produce more successful students.

By Jana Edghill

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